The Lunar New Year - Chinese New Year

chinese new year

chinese new year (CY) is the most important national cultural festival, with much interesting traditions associated with it. The festival is mostly celebrated across the nation, but does have many similar cultural celebrations in other ethnic groups and countries as derived from China. There are five main elements associated with the New Year - new energies, lengthening and expansion, good luck, prosperity, and family. Each of these carries a wealth of tradition and beliefs, and there are also traditional weather patterns.


The New Year began in ancient times, at the time of the lunar calendar, called the Spring Festival. This was a time for farming, plowing and planting, and the planting of crops. From early times, the Chinese have associated the start of the new year with the beginning of spring, and to commemorate the hard work done by their ancestors in the past, they hold a celebration, the "xi de ching", or "seizure of the year". At this point in time, according to legend, the emperors of China will appear from the blue sky to inspect the living space of their domains and make sure that everything is in order, and the people will be blessed by the emperor.


Another myth says that the emperors will send many Chinese names out in the sky in the early Spring Festival as a reminder that they are watching over China. If they see your name, it means that you should do well in your home, family, and social life, and that your luck is bound to improve. If you do not have the correct name, they will send someone else's name instead, in an attempt to foretell your future. For this reason, Chinese people decorate their house, and family members spend time together for the new year.

The Lunar New Year - Chinese New Year


The chinese new year is also celebrated with much ceremony and tradition. Each family holds a banquet or meeting where they give thanks to god and the ancestors for lucky items such as good fortune cookies, red paper lanterns, incense and fragrance, lit candles, and the like. There are also special dances, feasts, and processions during the Chinese New Year which are considered auspicious. Some of these processions are carried out to remember the olden times when people used to live very simple lives.


One of the most popular customs observed during the Chinese New Year is the exchange of coins with relatives and friends. This shows that despite the differences in religion, old friends will still stay in touch and be in touch with each other. This is because Chinese people value money very much, and they are used to exchanging money on a daily basis. It is common for people to exchange bills, coins, and bills containing silver or gold, and even valuable pieces of jewelries on the first day of the Chinese new year.


Another custom observed on this day is the sending of Chinese New Year greetings and festival greeting cards to family members, friends, and colleagues. The Chinese culture deeply believes in giving and receiving blessings from above, so they send their best wishes through these cards. They believe that the spirits of their departed loved ones still live inside them and they send greeting cards to tell them how they have been, what they had done, and how they are now. The lunar new year'spring festival also features a large number of dragon ceremonies and purifying ceremonies all over the country.


There is also a large number of feasts and joyous celebrations on this day with people celebrating the end of the old year and welcoming in the new year. Food is prepared using fresh fruits and vegetables and many Chinese people like to eat a big dinner on the evening of the day of the lunar new year, as it gives them an opportunity to eat lavish food as well as get together with their relatives and friends. The large number of celebrations on this day also includes a number of fireworks which is quite a big draw as a night out for many Chinese people. Fireworks are traditionally used as part of the Chinese New Year's Celebration and are set off as fireworks show during the evening in many places all over China.


The traditional events which take place on this day have strong cultural roots and are very significant to the Chinese people. The New Year celebrated by the Chinese is very important in their lives and they pay a great deal of respect to the Chinese New Year and its traditions. At one time, the New Year's Festival was celebrated with so much vigour and enthusiasm that it actually turned into a major commercial event. Today, it is largely celebrated as a cultural event rather than as a big business affair. This is probably because it does not cost as much as doing something major like hosting a major business event.

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